윈도우 10이 여러모로 편리한 점이 많긴 한데, 오히려 쓸데없이 친절해서 불편한 부분도 있다.

그 중에 하나가 윈도우 탐색기 왼쪽에 나오는 바로가기들에

OneDrive나 Creative Cloud Files같은 바로가기들이 자동으로 생기는 것이다.

쓰는 사람이야 편하겠지만, 생전 안건드리는 나같은 경우는 오히려 있어서 보기 불편했는데

찾아보니까 지우는 방법은 다양하게 있었지만, 여기서는 레지스트리에서 지우는 방법을 소개하려고 한다.

1. "윈도우 + R" 누르고 실행 창에다가 "regedit" 입력 후 확인

(아니면 윈도우키 누르고 regedit 검색)

2. HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{018D5C66-4533-4307-9B53-224DE2ED1FE6}

여기로 찾아가서 (아니면 Ctrl +F 해서 "Creative Cloud Files" 검색해도 된다)

System.IsPinnedToNameSpaceTree 이 항목을 더블클릭하고,

1로 되어있는 값을 0으로 바꾸고 확인


여기도 똑같이 바꿔준다.


OneDrive :


Creative Cloud Files :


이렇게 바꿔주면 탐색기 왼쪽에서 사라진다

* 맨 뒷자리 값은 조금 다를 수도 있으니, 앞자리 비슷하게 찾아서 바꿔보고 확인해보자.

 ** HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\CLSID

여기서 바꿔도 된다.

'컴퓨터관련 > 기타' 카테고리의 다른 글

티스토리에 PDF문서 삽입  (1) 2017.10.01
MS 워드 한글 자모 분리  (0) 2017.06.27
이클립스 아이콘 정보  (1) 2016.12.10
Visual Studio 2015 탭 닫기  (0) 2016.07.15
블로그에 소스코드 올리기 - Color Scripter  (0) 2016.07.09
Posted by ark1230

북스캐너 리뷰 포스팅을 작성하다가

PDF파일을 단순히 첨부하는 방식이 아니라 본문에서 바로 볼 수 있게 올리는 방법이 없을까 알아봤더니 생각보다 간단한 방법이 있었다.

* 파이어폭스로 했더니 잘 안됐다. 아마 설치해둔 애드온이랑 구글 앱이랑 충돌해서 그런 것 같긴 한데, 안전하게 크롬으로 하는 것을 권장한다.

* 2017년 10월 1일 기준.

1. 구글 드라이브에 PDF파일을 올린다.

2. 올린 파일을 우클릭해서 공유 옵션으로 들어간다.

3. 고급 -> 변경 으로 들어간다

4. 사용 - 모든 웹 사용자 옵션을 선택하고 저장한다

5. 파일을 더블클릭해서 열면 바로 미리보기로 보여주는데, 우측 상단에 ... 을 클릭하고

"새 창에서 열기"를 누른다.

6. 새 창에서 파일이 열리면 다시 우측 상단의 ... 으로 들어가서 "항목 삽입"을 클릭한다.

7. 여기서 보여주는 링크를 복사해서 사용한다.

8. 티스토리에서 글을 작성할 때 메뉴 오른쪽 끝에 있는 HTML체크박스를 체크하고 위 태그를 붙여넣고 다시 체크를 헤제하면 본문에 아래처럼 PDF파일이 보인다.

적용 예 ↓

Posted by ark1230

어제 (17.06.26) 갑자기 워드를 쓰는데 한글 입력이 이상하게 되기 시작했다

"오늘은"을 치려고 하면 "오느ㄹㅇㅡㄴ" 이런 식으로

처음 글자까지만 제대로 입력되고 두번째부터는 받힘이 밀리는 등

아예 자음 모음이 분리되던지 하는 현상이 나타남.

윈도우 10, 워드 2016 쓰면서 이런 일이 발생한건 처음이었는데 검색을 해 봐도 키보드 호환성 이런 이야기만 있고 제대로 된 답이 없었는데

감사하게도 http://bethelan.tistory.com/584 이 블로그에서 해결책을 찾았다.

정확한 원인은 모르겠지만 페이지 번호를 지우면 되는 듯 하다.

Posted by ark1230

Git이랑 연결된 폴더에 있던 파일들로 이클립스 프로젝트를 만들었더니

아이콘들 옆에 오렌지색 네모가 생겨서 뭔가 하고 찾아봤더니

Version Control 상태라는 의미라고 한다.

이클립스 Concurrent Version Control 아이콘 일람

CVS Label Decorations

Label Decorations are used by CVS to show important synchronization information about workspace resources. Decorations can affect the text or the icon of the label associated with a resource. The text decorators are configurable on the CVS Label Decorations Preference page which can also be used to indicate which icons are to be enabled. Here is a description of the icons used by CVS.

Decoration Resource type Description
Version control icon Any Indicates that the resource is under version control.
Outgoing icon Any Indicates that the resource or one of its children contains outgoing changes.
Edit local icon File Indicates that the project containing the file has been configured to use watch/edit and the file is being edited locally.
Merge conflict icon File Indicates that the file contains a merge conflict which has not yet been resolved. The conflict is considered resolved once the file is modified and saved.
No remote folder icon Project or Folder Indicates that the folder is under version control but does not correspond to an existing remote directory but is instead most likely a module defined in the CVSROOT/modules file.
Not under version control icon File or Folder Indicates that the resource is not under version control.

이클립스 아이콘 일람

JDT Icons


Compilation Unit (*.java file)
compilation unit (*.java file)
File ending with .java
Java file which is not on a build path
class file
class file
generic file (unknown content type)
generic file (unknown content type)
unknown object
unknown object
Java scrapbook page (*.jpage file)
Java scrapbook page (*.jpage file)
Java scrapbook page (evaluation in progress)
Java scrapbook page (evaluation in progress)
JAR description file
JAR description file
JUnit test result file
JUnit test result file

Java working set
Java working set
Java model
Java model
Library container
library container
JAR file with attached source
JAR file with attached source
JAR file without attached source
JAR file without attached source
Class folder with attached source
class folder with attached source
Class folder without attached source
class folder without attached source
source folder
source folder
empty package
empty package
logical package
logical package
empty logical package
empty logical package
package only containing non Java resources
package only containing non Java resources

package declaration
package declaration
import container
import container

Class (public)
class (public)
Interface (public)
interface (public)
Enum type (public)
enum type (public)
Annotation type (public)
annotation type (public)

package visible class
package visible class
private class
private class
protected class
protected class

default field (package visible)
default field (package visible)
private field
private field
protected field
protected field
public field
public field

default method (package visible)
default method (package visible)
private method
private method
protected method
protected method
public method
public method

Object adornments

Java Overlay
marks project as Java project
Java Overlay
decorates files and folders if they are on the build path of their enclosing Java project

build path error decorator
decorates Java projects and working sets that contain build path errors
Abstract Overlay
this Java element causes an error
Warning Overlay
this Java element causes a warning
Deprecation Overlay
this Java element is deprecated

Constructor Overlay
Abstract Overlay
abstract member
Final Overlay
final member
Static overlay
static member
Default overlay
default method
Synchronized Overlay
synchronized member
Native Overlay
native method
Transient Overlay
transient field
Volatile Overlay
volatile field
Run Overlay
type with
public static void main(String[] args)

Implementor overlay
implements method
Overrides Overlay
overrides method

Focus Overlay
type with focus in Type Hierarchy or Quick Outline/Hierarchy
Maximal Expansion Overlay
maximal expansion level in Call Hierarchy
Recursive Overlay
recursive call in Call Hierarchy

Abstract Compilation Unit
compilation unit containing an abstract class as primary type
Interface Compilation Unit
compilation unit containing an interface as primary type
Enum Compilation Unit
compilation unit containing an enum as primary type
Annotation Compilation Unit
compilation unit containing an annotation as primary type

Build path

class path variable
class path variable
JAR with attached source
JAR with attached source
JAR without attached source
JAR without attached source
system library
system library
build path ordering
build path ordering

inclusion filter
inclusion filter
exclusion filter
exclusion filter
access rules
access rules
Javadoc location
Javadoc location
source attachment
source attachment
native library location
native library location
output folder
output folder

Code assist

HTML tag
HTML tag
Javadoc tag
Javadoc tag
local variable
local variable
SWT template
SWT template




debug launch
debug launch
run launch
run launch
terminated run launch
terminated run launch
terminated process
terminated process
debug target
debug target
suspended debug target
suspended debug target
terminated debug target
terminated debug target

suspended thread
suspended thread
stack frame
stack frame
running stack frame
running stack frame
adornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace
adornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace
adornment that marks a stack frame that is out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace
adornment that marks a stack frame that is out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace
adornment that marks a stack frame that may be out of synch with the target VM as a result of an unsuccessful hot code replace inspected object or primitive value
evaluated expression
watch expression
local variable
local variable

a monitor in contention
a monitor in contention
in thread in contention for a monitor
a thread in contention for a monitor
a monitor that is owned by a thread
a monitor that is owned by a thread
a thread that owns a monitor
a thread that owns a monitor

current instruction pointer (top of stack)
current instruction pointer (top of stack)
current instruction pointer
current instruction pointer

enabled line breakpoint
enabled line breakpoint
disabled line breakpoint
disabled line breakpoint
adornment that marks a breakpoint as skipped
adornment that marks a breakpoint as skipped
adornment that marks a line breakpoint as installed
adornment that marks a line breakpoint as installed
adornment that marks a breakpoint as conditional
adornment that marks a breakpoint as conditional
adornment that marks an entry method breakpoint
adornment that marks an entry method breakpoint
adornment that marks an exit method breakpoint
adornment that marks an exit method breakpoint

field access watchpoint
field access watchpoint
field modification watchpoint
field modification watchpoint
field access and modification watchpoint
field access and modification watchpoint
adornment that marks a watchpoint as installed
adornment that marks a watchpoint as installed

exception breakpoint
exception breakpoint
runtime exception breakpoint
runtime exception breakpoint
disabled exception breakpoint
disabled exception breakpoint
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as caught
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as caught
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as uncaught
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as uncaught
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as scoped
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as scoped
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as installed
adornment that marks an exception breakpoint as installed


quick assist available
quick assist available
search match
search match


currently running test
currently running test
successful test
successful test
failing test
failing test
test throwing an exception
test throwing an exception
ignored test
ignored test
test with an assumption failure
test with an assumption failure

test suite
test suite
currently running test suite
currently running test suite
successfully completed test suite
successfully completed test suite
test suite with failing test
test suite with failing test
test suite with exception throwing test
test suite with exception throwing test

caught exception
caught exception
stack frame element
stack frame element

NLS tools

skipped NLS key
skipped NLS key
translated NLS key
translated NLS key
untranslated NLS key
untranslated NLS key

Quick fix

quick fixable error
quick fixable error
quick fixable warning
quick fixable warning

change cast
change cast
fix multiple problems
fix multiple problems
move to another package
move to another package
remove import
remove import
rename in file
rename in file
surround with try/catch
surround with try/catch


general change
general change
composite change
composite change
text change
text change
file change
file change
Stop error Stop error
Change filter


Java Search
Java Search
search for declarations
search for declarations
search for references
search for references

Search - Occurrences in File

general match
a general match
read access to local or field
read access to local or field
write access to local or field
write access to local or field

Type Hierarchy view

type outside of selected package
type outside of selected package
interface outside of selected package
interface outside of selected package

Posted by ark1230

Visual Studio 2015 를 쓴지 좀 됐는데 항상 현재 문서를 닫을 때 불편했었다.

요새는 어떤 인터넷 브라우저를 쓰더라도 현재 페이지를 닫을 때 Ctrl + W 단축키를 쓰고

심지어 윈도우에서도 현재 창이나 현재 문서를 닫을 때 Ctrl + W를 쓰다보니

VS2015에서도 습관적으로 Ctrl + W를 누르는데,

문제는 VS2015 에서 현재 탭을 닫는 기본 단축키는 Ctrl+F4다.

분명히 바꿀 방법이 있을 것 같았는데 역시 구글링 하니까 바로 나온다.


여기서 배웠는데,

도구 >> 옵션 >> 환경 >> 키보드 에서

closeTab 을 검색하고, 바로가기 키 누르기 창을 클릭하고 Ctrl+W 를 누른 뒤 할당한다.

그리고 "편집.현재단어선택" 을 검색해서 선택한 명령의 바로가기를 제거 해준다.

(아래는 이미 제거된 상태)

이렇게만 해주면 간단하게 Ctrl+W로 현재 탭을 끌 수 있다.

바꿔놓으니 진짜 편하다.

Posted by ark1230

블로그에 코드 검색하다 보면 사람들이 이쁘게 올려놓은 코드들이 있길래

항상 보면서 이런건 어떻게 올리나 싶었는데

아는사람들은 다 아는 방법이겠지만

Color Scripter 라는 사이트에서 가능했다. (http://colorscripter.com/)

사이트에서 바로 복사해서 가져올 수도 있고,


사이트에 있는 PC버전을 받아서 써도 된다

(PC 버전 화면)

적당히 설정해서 복사하고 블로그에 붙여넣으면 이렇게

#include <stdio>
//Magic Square
void printMS(int arr[][100], int size);
void buildMS(int arr[][100], int size);
main() {
    int ms[100][100= { };
    int size;
    printf("Enter the size of Magic Square (odd number) >> ");
    buildMS(ms, size);
    printMS(ms, size);
void printMS(int arr[][100], int size) {
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < size; j++)
            printf("%3d ", arr[i][j]);
void buildMS(int arr[][100], int size) {
    int i = 0, j = size / 2, n = 1;
    arr[i][j] = n;
    for (n = 2; n <= size*size; n++) {    //n은 2부터 size*size 까지.
        if (n%size == 1)        //n이 size의 배수이면 (배수+1) 아래로 한칸 내려감.
            i += 1
        else {
            i -= 1;            //그 외에는 왼쪽 위로 이동
            j -= 1;
            if (i < 0)        //0보다 작아지면 반대쪽 끝으로.
                i += size;
            if (j < 0)
                j += size;
        arr[i][j] = n;

깔끔하게 코드가 입력된다

Posted by ark1230